Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What sharia law actually means

The right wants to ban it in America, but do they even know what it is?
This year in Tennessee, a Republican legislator introduced a bill that would make following sharia - Islamic law - a felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. How such a law would be enforced is not clear; furthermore, it's probably unconstitutional.

It is clear, though, that an anti-sharia movement is growing in the United States. Last year Oklahoma voters
approved a measure that bars courts from considering sharia. Similar measures have now been introduced or passed in at least 13 other states. Indeed, anti-Muslim political operatives have been warning of "creeping sharia" and "Islamist lawfare" for years, though the anti-sharia efforts have gained new prominence in recent months.

But even basic facts about sharia - what is it? how is it used in American courts? - are hard to come by. So I decided to talk to Abed Awad, a New Jersey-based attorney and an expert on sharia who regularly handles cases that involve Islamic law. He is also a member of the adjunct faculties at Rutgers Law School and Pace Law School. He recently answered my questions via e-mail.

Can you define sharia - is it a specific body of laws? 

Sharia is more than simply "law" in the prescriptive sense. It is also a methodology through which a jurist engages the religious texts to ascertain divine will. As a jurist-made law, the outcome of this process of ascertaining divine will is called fiqh (positive law), which is the moral and legal anchor of a Muslim's total existence. Sharia governs every aspect of an observant Muslim's life. The sharia juristic inquiry begins with the Quran and the Sunna. The Quran is the Muslim Holy Scripture - like the New Testament for Christians or the Old Testament for the Jews. The Sunna is essentially the prophetic example embodied in the sayings and conduct of the Prophet Mohammed.

After the two primary sources of Islamic law, the Quran and the Sunna, the two main secondary sources of Islamic law are: (1) ijma (consensus of the scholars and jurists, and sometimes the entire community), and (2) qiyas (reasoning by analogy to one of the higher sources). Other secondary sources of Islamic law are juristic preference, public interest and custom. Sharia is extremely flexible and subject to various interpretations. In the 19th century, Western colonialism decimated the sharia legal system, replacing it with Western codes. This caused a serious decline in the community of jurists. In addition, there is today a debate that revolves around the failure of the modern jurists - not the system of sharia - to develop the sharia to adapt with the current circumstances of modernity.

How often does sharia come up in U.S. courts? Has there been an uptick recently?

It comes up often because the American-Muslim community is growing. With an estimated 8 million Americans who adhere to Islam, it is only natural to see a rapid increase of Muslim litigants before American courts where sharia may be an issue - especially in family matters. 

Can you give a couple examples of when sharia has come up in cases that you've handled?

In the past 12 years as an attorney, I have handled many cases with an Islamic law component. U.S. courts are required to regularly interpret and apply foreign law - including Islamic law - to everything from the recognition of foreign divorces and custody decrees to the validity of marriages, the enforcement of money judgments, probating an Islamic will and the damages element in a commercial dispute. Sharia is relevant in a U.S. court either as a foreign law or as a source of information to understand the expectations of the parties in a dispute.

Suppose a New York resident wife files for divorce in New York; her husband files for annulment in Egypt claiming the parties were never validly married. A New York judge must determine whether he has jurisdiction and whether state law governs this dispute. If the conflict of laws of New York requires that Egyptian law govern the issue of validity, the court would require expert testimony about Egyptian law that is based on Islamic law.

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Another common use of sharia in American courts is in the enforcement of Muslim marriage contracts. Like the majority of Americans, Muslims opt for a religious marriage ceremony. In every Muslim marriage, the parties enter into a Muslim marriage contract. The contract includes a provision called mahr, which is a lump sum payment from the groom to the bride that, unless otherwise agreed, would be due at the time of the husband's death or the dissolution of the marriage. An American court would require expert testimony to understand what a mahr is, what a Muslim marriage contract is, and to better understand the expectations of the parties at the time of the contract. All of this would be necessary for the court to determine whether the contract is valid under state law.

Is sharia used in U.S. courts any differently than other foreign or religious systems of law?

No, it is utilized the same way as Jewish law or canon law or any other law.

A lot of critics of sharia have cited a case in New Jersey in which a husband cited sharia to argue that he did not rape his wife. What happened in that case?

The case is S.D. v. M.J.R. It's not about sharia as much as it is about a state court judge who failed to follow New Jersey law. In this case, the plaintiff-wife sought a restraining order against her husband, alleging that his nonconsensual action constituted physical abuse. She testified that her husband told her repeatedly that, according to his religion, she was obligated to submit to his sexual requests.

The trial judge refused to issue the restraining order, finding that the defendant was operating under a religious belief that he was entitled to have marital relations with his wife whenever he wanted. Thus, he did not form the criminal intent to commit domestic violence. But, of course, the appellate court reversed the trial court decision, holding that the defendant's nonconsensual sexual intercourse with his wife was "unquestionably knowing, regardless of his view that his religion permitted him to act as he did." The appellate ruling is consistent with Islamic law, which prohibits spousal abuse, including nonconsensual sexual relations. A minority of Muslims mistakenly believe that a husband can discipline his wife with physical force in the interest of saving the marriage and avoiding divorce.

What about stoning, which critics also claim is part of sharia?

The Quran does not provide for the stoning of adulterers. The punishment prescribed in the Quran is lashing. However, there is a prophetic tradition that adopted the Jewish custom of stoning adulterers. Many people describe the American legal system as having a Judeo-Christian heritage. Does that mean that we will stone adulterers as required in the Bible? No.

As long as a provision in Jewish law, canon law or sharia does not offend our constitutional protections and public policy, courts will consider it. Otherwise, courts would not consider it. In other words, foreign law or religious law in American courts is considered within American constitutional strictures.

What do you make of these state-level efforts to ban consideration of sharia in American courts?

Other than the fact that such bans are unconstitutional - a federal court recently held that a ban would likely violate the Supremacy Clause and the First Amendment - they are a monumental waste of time. Our judges are equipped with the constitutional framework to refuse to recognize a foreign law. In the end, our Constitution is the law of the land.

The only explanation is that they appear to be driven by an agenda infused with hate, ignorance and Islamophobia intent on dehumanizing an entire religious community. That a dozen states are actively moving to adopt anti-sharia laws demonstrates that this is part of a pattern. This is not haphazard. Someone - a group of people - is trying to turn this into a national issue. I believe this will become an election issue. Are you with the sharia or with the U.S. Constitution? It is absurd.
Justin Elliott is a Salon reporter. Reach him by email at and follow him on Twitter @ElliottJustin More Justin Elliott.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Hadith of the day

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The worst food is the food of the marriage banquet from which those are left out who would like to come; and to which those are invited who refuse to come. He who rejects an invitation disobeys Allah and His Messenger".

 In another narration Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "The worst food is the food of the marriage banquet to which the rich are invited and from which the poor are left out".
Commentary:  Our rich class has made Walimah (marriage banquet given by the bridegroom) a highly luxurious affair and a means of displaying wealth and richness. This excessive exaggeration of a simple feast has brought in its wake many religious, moral and social evils. In its present form, it is sheer extravagance and wastage which are satanic acts and those who do it are brothers of Satan. It is such a big loss and serious threat that if our rich class is left with any sense of religion, it should immediately abandon this extravagance which is escalating day by day. Its moral disadvantage is that one invites in this function only men of his own status and not the the poor, whereas the fact is that it is the latter who deserve to be invited because of their need, and not the former. Good manners also warrant that the needy should be given priority over the affluent. Its social disadvantage is that display of wealth on such occasions creates a sense of deprivation in the poor segments of society while what Islam teaches is the uplift, material and moral help, consolation and encouragement and respectable treatment of the poor.
Instead of holding sumptuous feasts on Walimah, if the Muslims shift to one or two simple food items and invite the poor along with their friends and relatives, they not only save themselves from all the three evils mentioned above, but also prevent themselves from the accountability in the Hereafter; otherwise they will suffer loss in both the worlds.
This Hadith exhorts the Muslims to participate in the Walimah ceremony but it is the kind of feast which is simple and in accordance with the teachings of Islam.
   Riyad-us-Saliheen (266)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Some Misconceptions about Women in Islam

Islam gave women rights and privileges at a time when only barbaric manners and values dominated.
Yet, some people argue that Islam has alienated women in some domains. In fact, this belief is a misconception. People who say so, may have read about it in a magazine or seen it on TV. A quick examination of the issues judged as unjust to women will certainly correct the misunderstanding.
Man as the head of the household:
Some people believe that a woman in Islam is regarded as inferior to man since the Quran says (what means):"Men have one degree above women." [Quran 2: 228]

In the Quran it also says (what means): "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allaah has given the one more than the other and because men support them from their means." [Quran 4:34]
This verse implies that it is a man's duty to support his wife, and not the reverse, but this, in no way, makes him superior to her.
In fact, the rights and responsibilities of a woman are equal to those of a man but they are not necessarily identical. Since men and women are not created identical, they have different physical and emotional qualities, jobs and privileges. This does not mean that women are inferior.
On the contrary, women are considered crucial members of society in Islam since they are assigned the job of bringing up future generations. People today tend to look down at housewives but, in fact, raising children is one of the most important and difficult tasks. The way a mother brings up her child determines the way he will behave in the future. This duty, which requires patience, love, understanding and wisdom was significantly assigned to women in Islam because her nature suits this job.
Allaah The Exalted, in His Wisdom, has assigned a role for each member of the family so that there would be no arguments concerning who should do what. If a sailboat has two leaders, each will want to follow a path, leading ultimately to chaos and even a crash. In the same manner, how many times have your parents fought over some decision because each had their own point of view and wanted to apply it? This is precisely why it is preferable to have one leader for each household. However, this does not give the leader the right to be a dictator, or to neglect the role of his companion. This does not make him superior to other members of his family. It just gives him a larger duty.
Some people claim that Islam is unjust towards women because it entitles them to inherit half of what men get. In fact, those people only know one side of the truth.
First, the principle of women inheriting half the money is only applicable in 45 percent of the cases. In the other 55 percent, women inherit the same amount or sometimes even more. For example, a mother and a father each inherit the sixth of their son's property when they are not the only inheritors.
In addition, the laws of inheritance in Islam are proportional to the duties of spending. Indeed, a man in Islam has the responsibility of supporting his family, his brother's children (when his brother dies), his parents (when they retire and do not have an income), his children from his previous marriage (if he has them) and his household, including his wife and children. A woman, on the other hand, does not bear this responsibility. She has the freedom to use the money she collects from her dowry or work as she pleases.
You might object here, saying that women today are working and helping their husbands pay the expenses, which entitles them to share equality with men. In fact, you should know that women's economic assistance to their husbands, which has become the norm today, is only an answer to the females’ wishes. Islam does not oblige women to spend on their households. It is a free choice many women have themselves taken today to feel more liberated, so it does not entitle them to a bigger portion of the inheritance.
Polygyny is one of the most questioned principles that Islam grants men and women. Indeed, many people wrongfully accuse Islam of injustice because it allows a man to have up to four wives. Nevertheless, like every instruction in the Quran, polygyny has a reason. You see, Islam is a practical religion that acknowledges the needs and temptations of human beings and provides laws that deal with them, thus preserving harmony and morality.
- Polygyny might be the solution for a couple if the wife is barren, the husband wants children of his own and the option of separation does not appeal to both parties.
- If a woman is chronically ill and is unable to perform her marital duties. Polygyny may also be the solution when the couple does not want divorce.
- Polygyny is the religion's answer to cases where some men have excessive sexual needs that cannot be fulfilled by one wife. This in no way means that men should abuse this right and use it whenever they fancy a woman. It is rather a chance Islam has provided to prevent men from committing adultery. Many people who condemn polygyny cheat on their wives, calling this phenomenon a 'swift affair.' Islam, at least, has offered the second woman the option of being called 'a wife' rather than 'a mistress', especially in some countries where women remarkably outnumber men.
- Polygyny may settle the problem of an increased number of unmarried women, especially during wars.
However, polygyny has some limits and conditions to be met. Indeed, the Quran instructs the man to be fair with his wives on all levels, including treatment, money, house, etc. The only level where the man may have an uneven stance is the level of the feelings that he cannot control:
The Quran says (what means): "You will never be able to do perfect justice between wives even if it is your ardent desire, so do not incline too much to one of them [by giving her more of your time and provision] so as to leave the other hanging [i.e. neither divorced nor married]. And if you do justice, and do all that is right and fear Allaah by keeping away from all that is wrong, then Allaah is Ever-Forgiving and All-Merciful." [Quran 4:129]
Finally, it is worth knowing that Islam gives a woman the right to refuse polygyny for her husband by setting it as a condition during the marriage procedures. If this condition is set, then the woman is granted divorce if her husband marries another while he is still married to her.
You might ask, why could not there be polyandry (a woman having more than one husband)? The answer is simple. Islam did not allow it because Allaah is All-Aware that it will create a problem of kinship. This means that the child may not know who is actually his father (it could be anyone of the four husbands). In addition to the psychological damage it may cause, this problem also complicates the issue of inheritance. Even birds and animals do not allow polyandry.
In fact, to understand this Quranic verse, you should see another one, related to the issue in question. It reveals the wisdom behind this concept.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

আল্লাহ কোথায় আছেন ?

গোটা আকাশ ও যমীনে যা কিছু রয়েছে সমস্ত কিছুই মহান আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীনের । এই আকীদার প্রশ্নে মুসলমানকে বুঝতে হবে জানতে হবে আল্লাহ কোথায় আছেন ? এই প্রশ্নকে কেন্দ্র করে অধিকাংশ মুসলমানদের মধ্যে রয়েছে একটি মারাত্মক বিভ্রান্তি । কোরআন ও সহীহ হাদীসে এ ব্যাপারে স্পষ্ট বক্তব্য এসেছে , তবুও না জানার কারণে মুসলমানদের মধ্যে বিভ্রান্তি বিরাজ করছে। যে আল্লাহ তায়ালা আমাদেরকে সৃষ্টি করেছেন এবং প্রতিপালন করছেন ,তাঁর অবস্থান সম্পর্কে জানা প্রত্যেক মুসলমানের একান্ত কর্তব্য। অনেকে বলে থাকেন যে , মহান আল্লহ তা’য়ালা সর্বত্র বিরাজমান এবং হাজির নাজির। এই ধারণা ও বিশ্বাস সঠিক নয়, কোরআন ও হাদীসের বিপরীত । কোরআন -হাদীসের দৃষ্টিতে সঠিক কথা হলো আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীনের অবস্থান আরশের ওপর কিন্তু তিনি তাঁর অসীম জ্ঞান ,ক্ষমতা ,কুদরত ও দেখা শোনার মাধ্যমে সর্বত্র বিরাজমান। তিনি সত্তাগতভাবে সর্বত্র বিরাজমান নন।
আল্লাহ কোথায় আছেন ,এই প্রশ্নের জবাব কোনো মানুষের পক্ষে দেয়া সম্ভব হবে না বিধায় স্বয়ং আল্লাহ তা’য়ালাই তাঁর বান্দাদের জানিয়ে দিয়েছেন ,তিনি কোথায় আছেন। পবিত্র কোরআনে আল্লাহতা’য়ালা নিজের অবস্থান সম্পর্কে সাতবার বলেছেন যে, তিনি আরশে আযীমে অধিষ্ঠিত হয়েছেন। মহাবিশ্ব সৃষ্টির প্রসঙ্গ উল্লেখ র্পূবক মহান আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা বলেছেন- () এরপর স্বীয় আরশের ওপর আসীন হয়েছেন । (সূরা আল আ’রাফ -৫৪ ) এই একই বিষয় আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা পবিত্র কোরআনের সূরা ইউনুস ,সূরা রা’দ ,সূরা ত্বাহা , সূরা ফোরকান ,সূরা সিজদা ও সূরা হাদীদে উল্লেখ করেছেন। সমস্ত কিছু সৃষ্টি করার পর তিনি আরশে সমাসীন হয়েছেন -আল্লাহ তা’য়ালার এ কথার বাস্তব রূপ অনুধাবন করা কোন মানুষের পক্ষে কক্ষণই সম্ভব নয়। তবে একটি বিষয় আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা এই কথার মাধ্যমে স্পষ্ট করে দিয়েছেন যে, এই মহাবিশ্ব এবং এর বাইরে যা কিছু রয়েছে ,এসব সৃষ্টি করে আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা ক্লান্ত হয়ে পড়েননি বা তিনি সৃষ্টি কাজ সমাপ্ত কের তাঁর সৃষ্টি থেকে তিনি সম্পর্ক বিচ্ছিন্ন করেননি। তিনি নিজের সৃষ্টি সম্পর্কে অচেতন , বেখবর ,অসজাগ ,অসতর্ক বা দৃষ্টি ফিরিয়ে নেননি। অথবা সৃষ্টি করে তিনি তার সৃষ্টি জগৎ পরিচালনার দায়িত্ব ও কারো প্রতি অর্পন করেনি। এই বিষয়টি স্পষ্ট করে দেয়ার লক্ষেই তিনি জানিয়ে দিয়েছেন যে,তিনি আরশে সমাসীন হয়েছেন । অর্থাৎ মহান আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীন গোটা মহাবিশ্বেও শুধুমাত্র সৃষ্টি কর্তাই নন, তিনি এই মহাবিশ্বেও প্রতিপালক ,নিয়ন্ত্রক ,ব্যবস্থাপক ,পরিচালক ,পর্যবেক্ষক ,সমস্ত সৃষ্টির প্রয়োজন পূরণকারী ,আবেদন শ্রবণকারী, দোয়া কবুলকারী এবং সম্স্ত সৃষ্টির প্রয়োজনীয় আইন কানুন ও বিধান দানকারী।
আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা আরশের ওপর সমাসীন হয়েছেন এই বিষয়টি মানুষকে জানিয়ে দিয়ে তিনি এ কথাই স্পস্ট করে দিয়েছেন যে. তিনি এই মহাবিশ্বকে অস্তিত্বশীল করে অবসর গ্রহণ করেননিএবং মহাবিশ্ব থেকে নিঃসম্পর্ক হয়ে যাননি। বরং মহাবিশ্ব লোকের ক্ষুদ্র থেকে সর্ববৃহৎ অংশ পর্যন্ত সবস্তরের বিষয়াদিও ওপর কর্তৃত্ব তিনিই করছেন। শাসন কার্য পরিচালনা ও সার্বভৌমত্বও সমস্ত ক্ষমতা ও ইখতিয়ার একমাত্র তাঁরই মুষ্ঠিতে নিবদ্ধ। মহাবিশ্ব ও এর বাইরে যা কিছু রয়েছে ,সবকিছু তাঁরই অধীন ও মুখাপেক্ষী । প্রত্যেকটি অণু পরমাণু তাঁর বিধানের অধীনে ক্রিয়াশীল । সৃষ্টিসমূহের ভাগ্য চিরস্থায়ীভাবে তাঁর বিধানের অধীনে বন্দী।
আল্লাহতা’য়ালা কয়েকটি স্তরের মহাবিশ্ব সৃষ্টি করে আরশে সমাসীন হয়েছেন এই কথার মধ্য দিয়ে মহান আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীন পৃথিবীর মানুষের কাছে এ কথা স্পস্ট করে দিয়েছেন যে ,তাঁর সৃষ্টি কাজে যেমন কারো কোনো অংশীদার ছিলনা ,অনুরূপভাবে সৃষ্টি কাজের পরিচালন ,প্রতিপালন ও নিয়ন্ত্রণের মধ্যে কারো সমান্যতম অংশীদারিত্ব নেই। তাঁর আরশ বা সিংহাসন যা সমস্ত সৃষ্টির কেন্দ্রে ,সেখানে থেকেই তিনি সমস্ত কিছু নিয়ন্ত্রণ করছেন। মানুষকেও তিনি স্বাধীন ক্ষমতা দিয়ে ছেড়ে দেননি। মানুষের প্রত্যেকটি স্পন্দনের প্রতি তিনি সজাগ দৃষ্টি রেখেছেন। মানুষের জীবন পরিচালনার জন্য যেসব বিধি বিধান প্রয়োজন,সে বিধানও তিনি আরশ বা সিংহাসন থেকে অবতীর্ণ করেছেন। সুতরাং মানুষের স্বেচ্ছাচারী হওয়া বা নিজের ভাগ্যেও মালিক নিজেকে মনে করার কোন অবকাশ নেই এই কথাটিই আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীন স্পস্ট করে দিয়েছেন এভাবে যে,তিনি আরশে সমাসীন হয়েছেন । অর্থাৎ মূল কেন্দ্রে থেকে তিনিই সমস্ত কিছুর নিয়ন্ত্রণ করছেন্ । নবী করীম সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাহি ওয়াসল্লাম বলেছেন -() নিশ্চয়ই আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা নিজ আরশের ওপর রয়েছেন । তাঁর আরশ হচ্ছে সমস্ত আকাশের ওপর । (আবু দাউদ )
মহান আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা আরশে আসীন হয়েছেন আর আরশ হলো অগণিত আকাশের ওপরে । আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা যে তাঁর মহান আরশে অধিষ্ঠিত এবং আরশ যে ওপরে অবস্থিত এ বিষয়ে কোরআন ও হাদীসে অসংখ্য প্রামণ রয়েছে। মহাগ্রন্থ আল কোরআনে বলা হয়েছে- () “ফেরেশতাগণ এবং রুহ আল্লাহ তা’য়ালার দিকে ঊর্ধ্বগামী হয়। (সূরা মায়ারিজ ৪)
তাঁরই দিকে আরোহন করে উত্তম কথা এবং সৎকর্ম তাকে তুলে নেয়। (সূরা ফাতির ১০ )
বরং আল্লাহ তাঁকে (ঈসাকে )উঠিয়ে নিয়েছেন নিজের দিকে । (সূরা আন নিসা ১৫৮ )
বিশ্বমানবতার মুক্তি সনদ মহাগ্রন্থ আল কোরআন সম্পর্কে বলা হয়েছে,- এই কিতাব অবতীর্ণ করা হয়েছে।
পাশাপাশি কোনো স্থান থেকে বা নীচু স্থানে থেকে কোন কিছু প্রেরণ করা হলে অবতীর্ণ করা করা বুঝায় না। ওপর থেকে কোনো কিছু প্রেরণ করা হলে তা অবতীর্ণ করা বুঝায় । আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা কোরআন সম্পর্কে বলেছেন -() এই একটি কিতাব যা আমি তোমার প্রতি অবর্তীণ করেছি যাতে তুমি মানুষকে অন্ধাকার থেকে আলোর দিকে নিয়ে এসো। (সূরা ইবরাহীম ১) ()
নিশ্চয়ই আমি তোমার প্রতি সত্যসহ কিতাব অবতরণ করেছি ,যাতে আল্লাহ তোমাকে যা বুঝিয়েছেন তা দিয়ে তুমি মানুষের মধ্যে শাসন ও ফয়সালা করতে পারো। (সূরা নিসা ১০৫ )
নবী করীম সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসল্লাম মক্কা থেকে মদীনায় হিজরত করার পর বায়তুল মাকদাসকে কিবলা হিসেবে নামায আদায় করতেন। তিনি মনে মনে কামনা করতেন ,মক্কার কা’বাঘরকে যদি কিবলা বানানো হতো । এ জন্য তিনি বার বার আকাশের দিকে দৃষ্টি দিতেন। তাঁর দৃষ্টি দেয়ার অর্থ এটা ছিলো যে,ওপর থেকেআল্লাহতা’য়ালা যদি কোনো আদেশ দিতেন । মহান আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা তাঁর রাসূলের মনের অবস্থা দেখলেন এবং রাসূলকে জানিয়ে দিলেন- () নিশ্চয়ই আমি তোমাকে বার বার আকাশের দৃষ্টি নিক্ষেপ করতে দেখি । (সূরা বাকারা ১৪৪)
আল্লাহর রাসূলের থেকে মহান আল্লাহর পরিচয় আর কে বেশী জানতে পারে ? তিনিই সব থেকে বেশী আল্লাহর পরিচয় ও অবস্থান সম্পর্কে অবগত ছিলেন । তিনি জানেনে যে ,মহান আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা ওপরে আরশে আযীমে অবস্থান করছেন। এ জন্যই তিনি বার বার ওপরের দিকে তাকাতেন। নবী করীম সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম বিদায় হজ্জে আরাফার দিনে উপস্থিত সমস্ত সাহাবায়ে কেরামকে লক্ষ্য করে বললেন আল্লাহ পক্ষ থেকে আমার কাছে যা কিছু অবতীর্ন হয়েছে ,আমি কি তা তোমাদের কাছে পৌঁছিয়েছি ? উপস্থিত ব্যক্তিবর্গ জবাব দিলেন অবশ্যই ।তখন তিনি উপস্থিত সাহাবায়ে কেরামকে ইশারা করে আকাশের দিকে শাহাদাত আঙ্গুলি উঠিয়ে বললেন, হে আল্লাহ ! তুমি সাক্ষী থেকো। (মুসলিম )
এ কথা যদি বলা হয় যে,আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা সব জায়গায় আছেন বা তিনি সর্বত্র বিরাজমান। তাহলে তিনি পাহাড় -পর্বত ,নদী- নালা ,খাল- বিল, হাওড়- সাগর মহাসগর, আকাশ- বাতাস, আগুন -পানি ,ময়লা -আবর্জনার, ভাগাড়, মল -মূত্রের ভান্ড তথা বাঞ্ছিত-অবাঞ্ছিত সকল স্তরেই তিনি রয়েছেন । সেসব জায়গা অবাঞ্ছনীয়, অবান্তর সেসব জায়াগতেও আল্লাহকে থাকতে হয়। পৃথিবীর সব থেকে নিকৃষ্টি, দুগন্ধময়,অপবিত্র তথা যেখানে বা যে স্থান কোনো মানুষের পক্ষে বাস করা সম্ভব নয় সেখানেও আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা রয়েছে।
হাদীসে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে নবী করীম সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম হযরত মুয়াবিয়া ইবনে হাকাম আসলামী রাদিয়াল্লাহু তা’য়ালা আনহুর দাসীকে প্রশ্ন করলেন -() বলো আল্লাহ তা’য়ালা কোথায় ? দাসী জবাব দিলো আল্লাহতা’য়ালা আকাশের ওপর ।তিনি পুনরায় সেই দাসীকে প্রশ্ন করলেন বলো আমি কে ?দাবী জাবাব দিলো আপনি মহান আল্লাহর পক্ষ থেকে প্রেরিত রাসূল। নবী করীম সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম তখন হযত মুয়াবিয়া ইবনে হাকামকে আদেশ দিলেন এই দাসীকে মুক্ত করে দাও। কারণ সে ঈমানদার (মুসলিম )

মাওলানা দেলাওয়ার হোসাইন সাঈদী  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Did Jesus Say About Christmas?

The Christmas Experience
The perfect Christmas tree is bought. Adorned with ornaments and glittering with tinsel, it stands by the window. The stores are crammed with shoppers hunting for presents and the little ones anxiously waiting for Santa.
Busy with Christmas fever, wonder did you ever, did the Bible or Jesus made any injunction on Christmas ever?
Ponder upon the following analysis on Christmas, and the Truth will become clearer and clearer.
Does Christmas have Biblical Evidence?
The word 'Christmas' does not exist in the Bible. The Bible has closed lips on the entire feast of Christmas, with one exception, the decoration of a tree. The Bible itself criticizes the decoration of the (Christmas) trees:
"The customs of the people are worthless, they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel, they adore it with silver and gold, they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter" (Jeremiah 10-3,4).
European Pre-Christian pagans superstitiously believed that the green trees had special protective powers. In fact the use of the Christmas tree began only in the 17th century in Strasbourg, France and from there it spread to Germany, Britain and then to the U.S. "Tree worship was a common feature of religion among the Teutonic and Scandinavian peoples of northern Europe before their conversion to Christianity…German settlers brought the Christmas tree custom to the American colonies in the 17th century. By the 19th century its use was quite widespread". (Compton's Encyclopedia, 1998 Edition)
Was Jesus born on Dec. 25?
Neither the date 25th Dec. nor any other date on Jesus' birth is mentioned in the Bible. It was not until the year 530 C.E. that a monk, Dionysus Exigus, fixed the date of Jesus' birth on Dec. 25th. . "He wrongly dated the birth of Christ according to the Roman system (i.e., 754 years after the founding of Rome) as Dec. 25, 753". (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998 ed.) This date was chosen in keeping with the holidays already indoctrinated into pagans beliefs.
Roman pagans celebrated Dec. 25th as the birth of their 'god' of light, Mithra.
"In the 2nd century A..D., it (Mithraism) was more general in the Roman Empire than Christianity, to which it bore many similarities" (The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, 1995 ed.
Other pagan 'gods' born on Dec. 25th are: Hercules the son of Zeus (Greeks); Bacchus, 'god' of wine (Romans); Adonis, 'god' of Greeks, and 'god' Freyr of Greek-Roman pagans.
What about Santa Claus?
If aliens descended on earth during the Christmas season, they would undoubtedly believe Christmas as being Santa's birthday. The words 'Santa Claus', appear nowhere in the Bible.
However, Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) was a real person, a bishop, who was born 300 years after Jesus. According to legend, he was extremely kind and set out at night to bring presents to the needy. After his death on 6th of Dec., school boys in Europe began celebrating a feast day each year.
Queen Victoria later changed the celebration date from Dec. 6th to Dec. 24th eve.
Did Jesus or his Companions Celebrate Christmas?
If Jesus meant his followers to celebrate Christmas, he would have practiced it himself and enjoined it on his followers. There is no mention in the entire Bible that any of his followers ever celebrated Jesus' birthday like Christians do today.
"The church did not observe a festival for the celebration of the event of Christmas until the 4th century" (Grolier's Encyclopedia)
Thus we see that neither the Bible nor Jesus and his companions say anything about the celebration of Christmas which currently involves fanfare, commercialization, and extravagent spending, devoid of any spiritual relevance.
We'll now analyze the real person of Jesus (peace be upon him), in the light of the Bible and Islam.
What did Jesus Say about Himself?
In many places in the Bible, Jesus, referring to himself as a Prophet said:
"A Prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house" (Matthew 13:57),
"Nevertheless I must walk today and tomorrow and the day following, for it cannot be that a Prophet persists out of Jerusalem". (Luke 13:33).
Jesus Received God's Revelation
Similarly, Jesus Christ too, as a Prophet, received revelations from God: "But now you seek to kill me, a man that had told you the truth, which I heard of God" (John 8:40)
Jesus Prayed to his God
"And when he (Jesus) had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray" (Matthew 14:23)
Obvious question: If Jesus was God, who was he praying to?
Jesus put himself Equal to other Humans
Jesus put himself equal to other humans in the eyes of God.
"My father and your father, my God and your God" (John 20:17)
God does not have a God, But Jesus had a God! Moreover, the gospel writers referred to Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) as the 'son of man' about 85 times in the Gospels, and never once did he explicitly called himself 'God', or 'God the Son', or 'The Begotton Son of God'.
Jesus Preached God's Oneness
Jesus Christ, as a true Prophet of God, taught monotheism. When asked, 'What is the first of all commandments', Jesus replied:
"...The first of all the Commandments is, Hear O Israel; the Lord our God is One Lord" (Mark 12:29)
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent" (John 17:3)
Prophets of God
God, by his mercy, sent numerous Prophets throughout history to all nations as guides and role models. Some of the prophets were Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jesus and the Last Prophet Muhammad (peace be on all of them). They all came with the same basic message, which is the Oneness of God, without any partners, sons or daughters.
This Oneness of God in its complete essence, preached by all prophets, was later distorted by some segments of humanity and naming these 'distortions' as 'religions', they left the worship of one true God and replaced it with worshiping humans, cows and fire. To purify humanity, God sent His last Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a guide for all mankind and through him revealed in His last Messge, The Quran:
"They have adopted their scholars and monks as lords besides God and (also) Christ, the son of Mary, although they have been ordered to serve only God alone. There is no god but Him. Glory be to Him ! He is beyond what they associate (with Him)...." (Quran 9:31)
This utmost obedience and worship to one God, in its truest sense forms the basis of Islam. The entire Quran has been committed to memory by millions of Muslims around the world and preserved by God Himself from any interpolations, unlike previous scriptures, to provide guidance for all ages.
What Does Islam Teach?
Islam calls humanity to the service of the One, Omnipotent Creator ('Allah' in Arabic). Islam teaches the oneness of mankind in the eyes of God regardless of superficial differences such as race & nationality. In Islam there is no superiority of whites over blacks or vice versa. Anything that disrupts society's harmony and deviates humans from worshiping one true God is disliked in Islam. Thus Islam recognizes the evils of alcohol, drugs, premarital sex, gambling etc. and advises humans to stay sway from these Satan's handiwork. Islam further provides detailed instruction about a person's relationship with God, with his family and the society. Thus no aspect of a person's life is outside of the guidance provided by God.
Born Sinless!
Islam teaches that every child is born sinless with a pure heart and an inner instinct to realize the oneness of God. It is the parents or the environment that deviates this child to associate partners with God (in the form of multiple gods) or to reject God altogether.
No Mediator
There is no mediator between God and man. There is no need of one, for God, the All knowing, can listen and answer our sincere prayers regardless of our state and place.
Salvation comes through submitting to the pure belief in One God and following His guidance as revealed in the Quran, and not through the vicarious sacrifice (murder) of an innocent human being. Thus Islam is a rational religion based on justice and self accountability, and not on unjust and mysterious doctrines formulated by humans. Islam provides solutions to all the ills plaguing humanity. An example of Islam's stand on racial justice is provided below.
Islam Dispels Racis
One person's superiority over another is not based on his race, economic status or nationality but on his God-Consciousness and purity of character. God proclaims in the Quran:`"O mankind ! We have created you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other and not that you may despise each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is the most righteous..." (49:13).
Likewise Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) proclaimed: "No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over a black man, or the black man any superiority over the white man. You are all the children of Adam, and Adam was created from clay."
After studying Islam, Malcolm X, became a true Muslim. He remarks:
"...America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem..."
The Quran was revealed in the Arabic language, but translations of its meaning are available in English and other languages for non-Arabs. Likewise Islam is not restricted to people of the east or Arabs, it is a universal religion revealed for all of mankind.
We invite all sincere humans to study Islam with an unbiased mind. Don't blindly follow the whims and paganistic influences of the environment around us. God bestowed upon us this superb mind to seek and live the truth; for we all will be accountable on the Day of Judgment for our beliefs and deeds. Don't delay your salvation.
Welcome to Islam!

Christmas and Islam

Quite a number of Muslims today, especially those living in Christian dominated countries or those influenced to a large degree by western culture, have been led to consider that taking part in the Christmas celebrations of friends and relatives is, at very least, a harmless pastime if not a legitimate source of pleasure for children and adults alike. In many instances, pressure to conform with the practices of society is too great for those of weak resolve to withstand. Parents are often tempted to give in to the pleading of children who have been invited to a party or who are unable to understand why they alone are being prevented from joining the festivities they observe all around them or why they cannot receive gifts on this occasion like the other children.
Indeed, the Christmas season has been aggressively promoted in every aspect of business, in schools, in every public place. High pressure sales tactics have invaded the home through television, radio, magazine and newspaper, captivating the imagination with every kind of attraction day and night for a month or more every year. Little wonder that many of those thus targeted so persistently succumb to temptation. Among earlier generations, Christmas was an occasion which was still basically religious in orientation. Gifts, trees, decorations and feasting assumed lesser roles. But now all of this has changed. As noted in an American publication, Christmas has gone the way of many other aspects of society, becoming one more element in the mass culture which every season enables manufacturers and merchants to make millions of dollars through an elaborate system of gift exchange which comes more often from mutual expectations that "must" be fulfilled than from the heart. The commonly accepted notion that happiness is derived largely from possessions and entertainment is the driving force behind the month-long preparations and festivities which continue on through the end of the year. This fact, although blameworthy in itself, has led many Muslims into the delusion that Christmas is no longer a religious occasion and therefore does not conflict with Islamic belief.
The materialistic atmosphere surrounding the celebration of Christmas is, in reality, a manifestation of pagan culture (Jaahiliyyah) at its worst. It can only be seen by the conscious Muslim believer as a rat-race designed and implemented by Shaytaan to accomplish a great waste of time, effort, money and resources while countless families barely subsist in a state of poverty throughout many areas of the world. In addition to the commercial side of Christmas, although less obvious to the casual observer, are certain religious aspects to be noted. The celebration was and still is intended by practising Christians as a remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) who is considered by many of them as God incarnate or the second person in a trinity, and thus they celebrate the birth of "divinity." The word itself is an abbreviated form of "Christ Mass," i.e., sacrament in commemoration of Christ. Although taken by Christians to be the birthday of Jesus, the actual date of celebration, December 25th, cannot be traced back any further than the fourth century after Christ. Ironically, this day is also considered to be the birthday of the Hindu god, Krishna, as well as Mithra, the Greek god of light. It also coincides with the annual Tree Festival which had long been celebrated in Northern Europe before the Christian era and which has been recently revived in some Arab countries in an attempt to encourage celebration by disguising the religious significance of the day.
The Christmas tree is the most obvious aspect of that pagan celebration which was incorporated along with its date of observance, December 25th, into church rites. The evergreen tree, because it keeps its green needles throughout the winter months, was believed by pre-Christian pagans to have special powers of protection against the forces of nature and evil spirits. The end of December marked the onset of a visible lengthening of daylight hours - the return of warmth and light and defeat of those evil forces of cold and darkness. At a particular stage of its development, the church is known to have adopted certain of the popular pagan practices into Christianity for political or social reasons.
Thus, in more aspects than one, the holiday is deeply rooted in the worship of different forms of creation rather than the Creator Himself. A Muslim cannot possibly approve of such beliefs or the practices which stem from them. Anyone with a minimal knowledge of Islam would surely reject kufr (disbelief) and shirk (association of partners with Allaah) in every form. Only through ignorance or unawareness could one continue to participate in activities that reflect the acceptance of both. Muslims must be firm in refusal of all which is contrary to the concept of "Laa ilaaha illallaaha (there is none deserving of subservience except Allaah alone)." Consideration for others is well and good on the condition that Islamic principles are not compromised. Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’aalaa) says: {If you obey most of those upon the earth, they will lead you away from the way of Allaah} [An’aam 6:116]
And He commands: {Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow any patrons other than Him} [A’raaf 7:3]
Although some, in all honesty, admit their weakness in the face of continual social pressure, others defend their participation by the strange assertion that they observe the occasion through regard for Jesus ('Isa), a prophet of Islam. If such an observance, with its semblance of Islamic atmosphere, is invalid for Prophet Muhammad (saws), how then can it reasonably be valid for other prophets who neither observed nor encouraged such practices, which were later devised by those who abandoned prophetic teachings for their own inclinations and preferences?
{Have you seen him who take as his god his own desire, and Allah has left him astray through knowledge} [Jaathiyah 45:23]
Again, the Muslim is reminded of the hadiths in which the Prophet (saws) warned against imitating the non-believers and encouraged distinguishing oneself from them in dress and manner. Whether taken from the materialistic or the religious standpoint, Christmas can have no place in the Muslim's heart nor in his home. Any Muslim, young or old, who has a secure place in an Islamic community or group which has regular activities and affords companionship will find little difficulty in rejecting that which is harmful to himself and his family, in spite of the apparent attractions. In some societies, refusal and resistance may require actual jihad, but those who seek the acceptance of Allah and fear Him will undertake the task with knowledge that they are striving for salvation and will thus be firm and resolute. For Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa) calls to believers, saying:{O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones} [Tahreem 66:6]
And in the avoidance of Hellfire lies Paradise.