'Ubadah ibn Samit - may Allah be pleased with him- said that Prophet Muhammad
used to take pledge of Islam (bay'ah) from the people in Makkah by reciting these verses. Some scholars call them as "al-Din al-Jami'" (the Universal and Comprehensive Teachings of Religion). These commandments include belief, worship, ethics, and laws pertaining to social, economic and civic matters. Similar teachings were also given in the Torah (Exodus 20:2-17; Deuteronomy 5:6-21) to Bani Israel and they are known among Jews and Christians as the Ten Commandments. They are generally summarized as follows:
In the Quran these commandments are given in three verses. Each verse has a very appropriate ending. In the first verse there are five commands ending with the statement 'so that you may understand.' In the second verse there are four commands ending with the statement so that you may remember.' In the third verse there is one command ending with the statement that you may become God-conscious.' The obvious meaning is that when you use your reason, remember your responsibilities and follow the Divine Path then you can acquire righteous and pious character, Taqwa. This should be the final objective of your faith. Let us look at these three sets of commands:
Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi is the imam and director of the Islamic Society of Orange County, California, USA and former president of the Islamic Society of North America. (Khutbah at ISOC - Safar 10, 1430/ February 6, 2009)
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