Sunday, June 5, 2011

Interfaith or Selling Your Faith

Friday, May 12, 2006

IT is not the issue of GOD or issue of Tawheed (Unity) where the faith groups differ much. It is the issue of Risalah (Prophethood) where we differ.

Jews reject the prophethood of Eisa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary) and the last Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). Christians reject the prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.). Muslims confirm the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be unto him), Jesus (peace be unto him), Moses (peace be unto him), and all other prophets mentioned in Al-Quran. A Muslim can't be Muslim unless he/she declares, "I believe in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers and the Last Day."

At the time of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), Jews and Christians both claimed that they believed in Tawheed. Al-Quran itself confirmed that several of them are God-fearing and right-practicing people, but they were rejected by God because of their rejection of the contemporary Prophet of God. Some of them had faith in ‘Tawheed' but rejected ‘Risalah'; therefore, they did not find favor with God.. Despite their strong opposition, people at large accepted and confirmed the prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.). The hearts of the people were conquered by the message of Muhammad (s.a.w.), even in the heartlands of Christianity --Syria, Falestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunis and Algeria. All these powerful Christian states came under the control of Shariah (laws and regulations) of Muhammad (s.a.w.). Christian masses didn't find much difference in the Deen (way of life) brought by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), except within their self-created Christology and not practicing Shariah and orders of their own prophets. Hence, Christian leadership completely failed to stop the reversion and embracement of Islam and Shariah brought by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). Their hatred against Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Muslims transferred generation after generation. They declared war against these renewed Muslims from the very beginning, and the latest clash of civilizations is nothing but to demonize the prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.). Occupation of Muslim lands, Muslim genocides, humiliating and degrading Prophet Muhammad (S.AW.) and Muslims are all part of the revenge and hatred that Christians and Jews have in their hearts after the advent of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), whom they knowingly rejected.

Muslims must know the historical perspective of the clash of civilizations and the main agenda behind it. The issue of ‘Risalah' is the most important factor in the clash of Civilizations. In the physical absence of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), we Muslims are the messengers and diplomats of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in every part of the world. Prophet Muhammad's life and teachings in minute details are present and alive, and we have to stand for the establishment of the Risalah of Muhammad (s.a.w.). The concept of Tawheed is the priority number one of our faith, but in presentation Risalah (prophethood) is on top. Without presenting Risalah --i.e., the life of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) as a role model and leadership for all humankind-- the concept of Tawheed (Unity of Allah, unity of the universe, and the unity of human beings) can't be established. "He who obeys the Messenger obeys Allah" (Surah Nisa 4: 80, translated by Yusuf Ali). "(O! Prophet) Say: "If ye do love Allah, Follow me. Allah will love you" (Surah Al-Imran 3: 31, translated by Yusuf Ali).

Our success and failure in this life and hereafter now solely depends upon our love of Muhammad (s.a.w.). He (s.a.w.) was/is the messenger of Allah, and we are the messengers of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). He (s.a.w.) is the messenger till the last day of the world and for all nations and races. The same Nusrah (victory) that was bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and his companions can again welcome us if we fulfill our obligations. This world doesn't belong to Bush and Blair! Allah is the Sovereign, Almighty, The Super Power, and the Ruler! We are here in this part of the world on the wish and mercy of Allah (S.T.), and we are deputed and are on the diplomatic missions of Prophet Muhammad ( This is our actual position. We must assert and announce our position and practice accordingly. We have the promise of Allah: "Already has Our Word been passed before (this) to our Servants sent (by Us), That they would certainly be assisted, And that Our forces, they surely must conquer" As-Saaffat 37: 171-173, translated by Yusuf Ali).

A peaceful, non-violent, social, civil, political, and resistant movement in America following 13 years of the Makkan period of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is the main work that we have to do. When we accept our responsibility, we will receive assistance from Allah, which is His promise. And Allah never betrays. Our job is to present, by our deeds and words, the personality, life, character, the system he created, the society Muhammed (s.a.w.) created. When the people see the real, burning Sun, they will get true light and heat from it. And victory will be closer and achievable.

Islamic organizations and their leaderships in the interfaithing process with rabbis, priests, ministers, reverends, monks, and pundits have lost the central message of Islam. They now don't mention Risalah of Muhammad (s.a.w.) even by mistake. We have attended all the major Muslim organizations' conferences for the last several years. In three to four days of each conference, not even a single, small, side session was allocated on any aspect of the life of Prophet (s.a.w.) or on the issue of "Risalah"; however, you will find an interfaith session in each conference every year.

This year, when blasphemous cartoons provoked controversy, the American masses experienced a desire to know more about the Seerah [Personality and Life of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.); therefore, the main theme of the conventions of major Muslim organizations should be the Seerah, but it is not. The conventions' themes are irrelevant and confused. This proves the marginalization of the faith of Islamic groups in America. The abstract issues of humanity, human rights, liberty, women's rights, and democracy, etc. without true divine guidance are the creation of the Western civilization and distorted religions. We have much more under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). What we can get and achieve under it is the beyond the imagination of the people. All, we need is the Nizam (System) of Mustafa (Prophet Muhammad, s.a.w.).

----Jawed Anwar, Editor in Chief of Muslims Weekly and can be reached at

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Hadith of the day

Abu Umamah Sudaiy bin `Ajlan Al-Bahili (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Nothing is dearer to Allah than two drops and two marks: A drop of tears shed out of fear of Allah and a drop of blood shed in Allah's way. Regarding the two marks, they are: Marks left in the Cause of Allah and a mark left in observing one of the obligatory act of worship of Allah, the Exalted".


Commentary: This Hadith mentions the merits of the following:
1. Weeping out of fear of Allah.
2. The blood which flows in the way of Allah.
3. The marks of injuries which are left on the bodies of those who take part in Jihad.
4. The marks of wounds received in the performance of obligations.
The Ahadith on the subject are many.
   Riyad-us-Saliheen (455)