Friday, July 29, 2011

The Family in Ramadan

Lessons of Ramadan & Keeping the Family Together
The Quran and the Hadith teach us much about the virtues of the family, which, in today’s world with all that is happening around us, we too easily neglect. After all, who can cope with our fluctuating temperaments as we struggle to cope with certain daily issues that come to test us? Misunderstandings ensue when we get all too caught up with the need to provide, the need to learn, and the desire for better, causing us to fall from the grace of our loved ones. Without realizing it, family members become strangers to each other, slowly growing apart. The home becomes a hotel as we give up putting in effort and time to be together. Ramadan is the one time in the year when night becomes day and day becomes night, unsettling the dust and the cobwebs we have allowed to settle. As we go into a new year, let not the lessons of Ramadan fade too quickly from our hearts.
Believe It or Not, Love Can Go a Long Way If We Show It!
In a strong family, the members love each other unconditionally. Feeling loved gives every member confidence and a higher sense of self-esteem, and this makes the family stronger as a unit. Shereen Khalil, clinical psychologist and former counselor at the AUC Student Counseling Center, explains that “Children need food to grow, but they need love to blossom. They need unconditional love. Do not tell your child, ‘If you eat your food I will love you’ or ‘I will not love you if you hit your brother.’ It is not true. You will love your child anyway. Your child needs to know that, so as not to feel threatened and scared of losing your love.”
It is also important to express love regularly. Khalil points out that children don’t automatically know how to express feelings; they learn by watching their parents. “Teach your children by being their example. They need to hear, see, feel, and know your love for them,” says Khalil, adding, “Parents need to express their love for each other in front of their children, too. A tap on the mother’s shoulder [by the father] or a welcome-home kiss can teach children a lot.”
Hoda Fares, 40, mother of Sarah, 21, Leila, 17, and Ahmed, 18 months, makes sure that the members of her family kiss and hug each other when the children come back from school or the parents come back from work. She finds this ritual extremely important because it’s a way of reassuring each other of how they feel. “It’s like saying ‘I love you’ every time we greet each other,” she explains.
Deal With Anger Positively
Ramadan is a good time to exercise self-control, especially while you are fasting. Remember that you are trying to set an example for your children. You are also trying to teach that Ramadan isn’t just about not eating. At times, you or other members of the family will get angry.
Learning how to deal with your anger positively helps avoid unnecessary conflicts where irreparable psychological damage can occur due to physical or verbal abuse. When you are angry, count from one to ten and then speak. Or remove yourself from the situation completely, cool down, and then come back and state how you feel.
Khalil explains, “Yelling at children is rarely effective. Children usually fail to understand when you yell, either out of fear, or simply because angry parents are not usually very skilled in using words. Often they are so angry that they can not choose age-appropriate words. They end up not making sense to the child. If you are angry about your child’s behavior, which will often happen, refrain from reacting. Tell your child that you are angry and cannot talk right now. Take time to calm down, think and then act. In this way you are making sure you are fair and reasonable.” She explains that by doing this, you are also teaching your child how to manage anger.
Spend Quality Time Together
Ramadan is a chance for families to spend more time together because all of the family members, who on normal days arrive home at different hours, will go home at the same time.
All members of the family need to spend time with each other, and even a small amount of time is beneficial when you make it enjoyable and meaningful. “It is not the amount of time you spend with your child that matters, it is the quality of time,” explains Khalil. “Spending no time at all with your child or an hour a month is, of course, not enough either,” she adds.
How do you make the most of your quality time? “Make sure you have fixed times to spend with your child so he or she can count on it. Do things you enjoy together. This varies with the age of your child, of course. Ask your child about his or her day at school and speak about yours,” Khalil advises.
Get Dad Involved
Children need both parents, not just their mothers. A father’s involvement is very important to give him the significance he deserves in his children’s lives. If a father works late and usually arrives home after his children are asleep, he can get involved at other times. For example, he can devote a day on the weekend to spending time with them. One of the best things about Ramadan is that the father comes home from work at a set time every day, which gives him the chance to spend time with his family during and after Iftar.
Keep in Touch With the Extended Family
Children benefit by keeping in touch with their extended family: aunts, uncles, cousins and particularly grandparents, who have so much love to give to their grandchildren. Enjoying that love gives children an even greater sense of self-esteem and security and helps the whole family develop into a stronger unit. One of the best times of the year for the extended family to meet is Ramadan when family members gather over Iftar several times during the month.
It’s never too early to start building a strong and close-knit family. You need to work on becoming close, because it doesn’t happen by chance!
Khalil concludes, “A family grows stronger and closer with acceptance of one another, respect of differences, open and accurate communication, assertive and non-aggressive expression of emotions, love, freedom and space to grow, trust, time and effort invested, and the will to make it work.”


Zakah al-Fitr


Zakah al-Fitr is often referred to as Sadaqah al-Fitr. The word Fitr means the same as Iftar, breaking a fast and it comes from the same root word as Futoor which means breakfast. Thus, Islamically, Zakah al-Fitr is the name given to charity which is distributed at the end of the fast of Ramadan.


Sadaqah al-Fitr is a duty which is Wajib (compulsory) on every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or adult as long as he/she has the means to do so.

The proof that this form of charity is compulsory can be found in the Sunnah whereby Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) made Zakah al-Fitr compulsory on every slave, freeman, male, female, young and old among the Muslims; one Saa` of dried dates or one Saa` of barely. (Bukhari - Arabic/English, vol. 2, p. 339, no. 579)

The head of the household may pay the required amount for the other members. Abu Sa'eed al-Khudree said, "On behalf of our young and old, free men and slaves, we used to take out during Allah's Messenger's (p.b.u.h.) lifetime one Saa` of grain, cheese or raisins". (Muslim - English transl. vol. 2, p. 469, no. 2155)


The significant role played by Zakah in the circulation of wealth within the Islamic society is also played by the Sadaqah al-Fitr. However, in the case of Sadaqah al-Fitr, each individual is required to calculate how much charity is due from himself and his dependents and go into the community in order to find those who deserve such charity. Thus, Sadaqah al-Fitr plays a very important role in the development of the bonds of community. The rich are obliged to come in direct contact with the poor, and the poor are put in contact with the extremely poor. This contact between the various levels of society helps to build real bonds of brotherhood and love within the Islamic community and trains those who have, to be generous to those who do not have.


The main purpose of Zakah al-Fitr is to provide those who fasted with the means of making up for their errors during the month of fasting. Zakah al-Fitr also provides the poor with a means with which they can celebrate the festival of breaking the fast (Eid al-Fitr) along with the rest of the Muslims.

Ibn Abbas reported, "The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) made Zakah al-Fitr compulsory so that those who fasted may be purified of their idle deeds and shameful talk (committed during Ramadan) and so that the poor may be fed. Whoever gives it before Salah will have it accepted as Zakah, while he who gives it after the Salah has given Sadaqah." (Abu Dawood - Eng. transl. vol. 2, p. 421, no. 1605 - rated Sahih by Shaikh Naser Al-Albani)

Hence, the goal of Sadaqah al-Fitr is the spiritual development of the Believers. By making them give up some of their wealth, the believers are taught the higher moral characteristics of generosity, compassion (sympathy for the unfortunate), gratitude to God and the righteousness. But, since Islam does not neglect man's material need, part of the goal of Zakah al-Fitr is the economic well-being of the poorer members of society.


Zakah al-Fitr is only Wajib (compulsory) for a particular period of time. If one misses the time period without a good reason, he has sinned and can not make it up. This form of charity becomes obligatory from sunset on the last day of fasting and remains obligatory until the beginning of Salah al-Eid (i.e. shortly after sunrise on the following day). However, it can be paid prior to the above mentioned period, as many of the Sahaabah (companions of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) used to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr a couple days before the Eid.

Naafi reported that the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) companion Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) used to give it to those who would accept it and the people used to give it a day or two before the Eid. (al-Bukhari - Arabic/English, Vol. 2, p.339, no. 579)

Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) ordered that it (Zakah al-Fitr) be given before people go to make the Salah (al-Eid).

And Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said, "Whoever gives it before the Salah, will have it accepted as Zakah, while he who gives it after the Salah (will not, for it will only be considered as) ordinary charity." Therefore, one who forgets to pay this Zakah al-Fitr on time should do so as soon as possible even though it will not be counted as Zakah al-Fitr.


The amount of Zakah is the same for everyone regardless of their different income brackets. The minimum amount is one Saa` (two handfuls ) of food, grain or dried fruit for each member of the family. This calculation is based on Ibn Umar's report that the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) made Zakah al-Fitr compulsory and payable by a Saa` of dried dates or a Saa` of barley.

The Sahaabee, Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree said, "In the Prophet's time, we used to give it (Zakah al-Fitr) as a Saa` of food, dried dates, barley, raisins or dried cheese." (al-Bukhari - Arabic/English vol. 2, p. 340, no. 582)

By: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips