Sunday, February 19, 2012

Use It Before It's Gone

A Few Days ago, my mom came home from work and related a conversation she had there. The talk turned to exercise, and her colleague endorsed walking as a good option, since one can also make use of it for other purposes.

I pray for others while I walk, she said. That way I don't waste the time.

I thought, subhanallah, she is selfless enough to exercise to stay healthy and still put her time to wise use.

And she was not Muslim.

What do we, as Muslims, do with our time? Do we make use of every second? Time, the Sunnah tells us, is the most precious of all worldly commodities, for once it's gone, it never comes back. We need, then, to ensure we don't let it pass in vain. We should make certain that when we stand before Allah for Judgment we can justify how we spent His priceless gift.

The Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: "Take advantage of five, before five! Youth before old age. Good health before sickness. Free time before occupation. Wealth before poverty. And life before death" (Al-Hakim).

In the fast-paced societies we live in, people really do come to feel they have no time. They are working, studying, chauffeuring children, doing business on the cell between errands-running a gauntlet of daily obligations.

Time itself seems to be shrinking- a true sign, in fact, of our approaching Hour of Judgment, according to the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam. Days become weeks. Weeks, months. Months, years. Before you know it, a decade's got behind you. And you wonder, What have I done with my life?

In the course of our talk, my mother pointed out her colleague's admirable concern with giving time to others. Walking is no waste of it, of course. It is worship, if properly intended to please God and maintain His grant of health.

Still it is done for one's own benefit. What, my mother asked me, have you done for others?

I answered honestly. Not as much as I would like, though helping others- as countless ahadeeth attest and the Prophet's own glowing example ceaselessly shows-can take on many forms. Teaching people a skill you have, making dawah, organizing masjid events, or just taking the time to talk to others about their problems-all are shapes of volunteerism, of help.

Giving for the sake of God means more than donating money. Time can be a gift. By offering some of it for a good cause, you diminish none of what you have for yourself. Allah actually puts barakah in your time. He blesses it so you get more done with it when you spend it wisely in His path.

Give of your time, and you shall be rewarded. Give of your time, and you shall surely use it more effectively for your own benefit.

When I tell others I have no time, I wonder, What am I trying to achieve? Am I making up selfish excuses about why I can't part with it? Or is it just me trying to persuade myself of this?

Sure, I am busy. But I can't fool myself. There are times when I have nothing to do, or am doing nothing. No doubt, we all "do" some of this. Yet if we reconsider our priorities and refine our attitudes, we will find we have substantial time on our hands. We can choose to put it to some good use, or lose it.


Article provided by Al Jumuah Magazine, a monthly Muslim lifestyle publication, which addresses the religious concerns of Muslim families across the world.
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Friday, February 17, 2012

Honour Killings, Domestic Violence and Misogyny Are Un-Islamic and Major Crimes

     The thirty four Imams and the Islamic leaders affiliated with the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada have issued the following Fatwa reminding Muslims that honor killings, domestic violence and misogyny are un-Islamic actions and crimes in Islam. These crimes are major sins in Islam punishable by the court of law and almighty Allah.
FATWA (religious edict)
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
We, the undersigned Imams, are issuing this Fatwa as a reminder to the Muslims of North America regarding the issues of domestic violence, honor killings and misogyny in our society. The recent Shafia family trial in Kingston, Ontario has reminded all of us that we need to do more in order to prevent such tragedies in future. There are some Muslims who would commit a crime and then use Islam to justify their crime. According to the Qur'an the biggest liar is the one who tells lies on Allah.
There is no justification for honor killings, domestic violence and misogyny in Islam. These are crimes in the court of law and in the sight of Allah. Therefore, this Fatwa is issued based upon the command of almighty Allah in the holy Qur'an;
"Let there among you be a group that summon to all that is beneficial commands what is proper and forbids what is improper; they are the ones who will prosper." (3:104)
"Believing men and believing women are protecting friends of one another; they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong; they perform salat and give zakat..." (9:71)
"Those who, if We establish them in the land (with authority), establish regular prayers and practice regular charity and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong..." (22:41)
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said in a Hadith;
"When people see a wrong-doer and do nothing to stop him, they may well be visited by God with a punishment."
It is an obligation upon us (the Imams) to inform all Muslims in Canada and around the world that in Islam:
1. Honor killings, domestic violence, misogyny, spousal abuse, child abuse in all forms are forbidden.
2. The relationship between the husband and wife is based upon mutual love and kindness.
"And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect." (30: 21)
In the event of a family dispute, the Qur'an urges husbands to treat their wives with kindness.
"Live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good." (4: 19)
"And in no wise covet those things in which Allah hath bestowed His gifts more freely on some of you than on others: to men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn: but ask Allah of His bounty: for Allah hath full knowledge of all things." (4:32)
In Islam there is no gender based superiority. In fact, the relationship between a husband and wife is based upon mutual love, respect and care.
"They (wives) are your garments. And ye are their garments." (2:187)
3. Some people quote the following verse from the holy Qur'an to prove that a man has superiority over his wife.
".... but men have a degree over them (wives) and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise." (2:228) The above verse is not about the superiority of the man. Rather, it is about the greater responsibility of the man in running the home such as fulfilling the food, shelter, clothing, education and safety needs of family members.
The Qur'an recognizes gender equality. The idea of superiority is based on honesty/piety only. "O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous of you" (49:13).
4. We would also like to clarify the translation of verse 34 of Surah Al Nisa. Some translators have the Arabic word, "wadhriboo-hunnah" ( وَٱضۡرِبُوهُ نَّ ) translated as "strike" OR "hit" (with toothbrush). In our opinion, this is not the correct translation.
In a case when a married woman develops a sexual relationship outside the marriage, the Qur'an requires the husband to follow three steps and not to become violent.
a. First educate her
b. Second take separate beds
c. Cite her to authority
Here is the correct translation of verse 4:34.
The men are supporters/maintainers of the women with what God bestowed on some of them over others and with what they spent of their money, so the righteous women are dutiful; guardians to the unseen with what God guarded. And as for those women you fear their disloyalty, then: (first) you shall advise them, and (second) abandon them in the bed, and (lastly) cite them (to the authority). If they obeyed you, then seek not against them a way; Truly, God is High, Great. (4:34)
5. In Islam, obedience of Allah is NOT acceptable to Allah unless the person does it with his or her heart. In Islam the reward of a good deed from Allah depends on a person's intension. If the person is forced to do certain things against his/her will then there is no reward from Allah.
"There is no compulsion in religion......." (2:256)
Therefore, beating or abusing a family member in order to force them to follow Islam is not acceptable to Allah. Parents have the responsibility to educate children about the teachings of Islam but they have no right to abuse or harm them. They need to be a role model for their own children. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "help the oppressed and the oppressor". People asked the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): "We understand how to help the oppressed, but how should we help the oppressor?" He replied, "By stopping him from the oppression".
In Islam, if a person commits un-Islamic actions (crimes) an institution with authority, such as the police, courts or government, can punish that person - not family members or other private citizens. Honor killing is a major sin in Islam. Those who commit honor killings should face the justice of this world, and they will face Allah's justice too.
Those who cause harm to a family member or anyone else because they believe that the family member or a person have brought disgrace to them OR their honor has been damaged by the actions of a family member commit a major sin / crime by taking the law into their own hands. Only the court system of a country has the authority to decide guilt or innocence, and punish a person, not the family members such as the father, mother, husband, brother, etc.
Honor killing is an un-Islamic practice which has roots in paganism. In Islam, killing or hurting someone in the name of honor is a criminal act which should be punished by the court of law and it will be punished by Allah on the judgment day.
6. Domestic violence is a huge problem across the world. We believe it is not a Muslim problem. It is a human problem. Domestic violence crosses all boundaries. Domestic violence exists in the developed and in the developing worlds. Domestic violence takes place in Christian, Jewish, Muslims, agnostic, Buddhist, Hindu, atheists, etc. houses. It is everywhere. However, as Muslims we must follow the holy Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which forbids causing harm to children, wives or any other person due to disagreements, disputes or conflicts. All family issues must be resolved within the laws of the country we live in.
As the Imams and religious leaders in the community we have an obligation to inform everyone that Islam condemns domestic violence, honor killings and misogyny. We offer every Muslim family in Canada and the United States the support and guidance they need if a family member seems to be violating the Islamic code of conduct. However, we want to be very clear that no one, except the Canadian/American courts, has the right to punish anyone. It is the requirement of Islam that citizens must follow and respect the laws of their countries. Therefore, Muslims who live in Canada must follow and respect the laws of Canada. Similarly, American Muslims must follow the laws of the United States.
On this important day of Eid Milad un Nabi (peace be upon him), the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada announces "ISCC Families Network" project, which will be rolled out across North America in cities where ISCC's affiliated mosques and organizations exist. This network will work with the young girls and the boys and their parents to help and guide them in resolving issues and conflicts. This network will establish separate girls and boys clubs where they can discuss issues and share their experiences at home, at school and at work. This network will establish working relationships with the police, teachers and other mainstream Canadian and the American organizations in the field of domestic violence, racism, discrimination and bullying. All the services provided by this network will be free to all families.
We pray for the victims of domestic violence and honor killings especially the victims of Shafia family. We extend our full support to the victims of domestic violence. We request all the Canadian and the American Muslims to join "ISCC Families Network". May Allah guide us and protect all of us from the evil of Satan and the wrongdoers. Ameen.
Signed by:
1. Prof. Imam Syed B. Soharwardy - Calgary

2. Imam Mufti Shabbir Alam Misbahi - Toronto
3. Imam Syed Mukhtar Hussain Naeemi - Houston, USA
4. Imam Muhammad Masood Ahmed Soharwardy, Ashrafi - New York, USA
5. Imam Hafiz Qari Ghalib Hussain Akber Chishty - Calgary
6. Imam Hafiz Muhammad Nasir Qadri - Montreal
7. Imam Abdul Latif No'mani - Vancouver
8. Imam Muhammad Ibrahim Hussain Chishty Al Alawi - Toronto
9. Imam Qazi Bashiruddin Sahib - Brampton
10. Imam Hafiz Muhammad Zareef Naeemi - Calgary
11. Imam Syed Akram Abbas - Montreal
12. Imam Syed Ahmed Amiruddin Khan Naqshbandi - Mississauga
13. Imam Hafiz Muhammad Masood Pirzada, Mississauga
14. Alima Hafizah Zaheera Tariq Soharwardy, Calgary
15. Imam Hafiz Intizar Hussain Qadri, Montreal
16. Imam Nizamuddin Sayed Chishti - Calgary
17. Imam Saeed Ahmed Saifee - Toronto
18. Imam Shahid Bashir - Calgary
19. Imam Sayed Sajid Qadri - Calgary
20. Imam Muhammad Anees Siddiqui - Calgary
21. Sister Frana Jahangir - Airdrie
22. Alima Fatema Zahra Soharwardy, Toronto
23. Sister Sumaiya Zaman - Toronto
24. Dr. Lubna Anees - Calgary
25. Sister Alia Shahzad - Calgary
26. Sister Nighat Amir - Mississauga
27. Sister Nurgus Moghal - Mississauga
28. Sister Ezra Asghar Shah - Montreal
29. Mr. Hamza Zahid - Halifax
30. Imam Salim Chishti - New Lebanon, New York, USA
31. Imam Abdul Ghani Owaisy - Houston, USA
32. Imam Muhammad Amin Mujaddadi - Live Oak, California, USA
33. Imam Faiz Rasool Qadri - Houston, USA
34. Imam Zubair Naqshbandi - San Francisco, USA For further questions, please contact Imam Syed Soharwardy at 403-831-6330 or 416-994-5467 OR email, Thanks
Note: We are in the process of getting more endorsements from various Imams across North America. Their names will be posted on ISCC's website.
Source:  Islamic Supreme Council of Canada